Operating System of Android is used for smartphone device to adjust the spesification  on the smartphone device here is the android  version:

1. Apple pie / Alpha v1.0
This Android operating system is used for the first time on the smartphone device and published on september 23, 2008

2. Banana Bread v1.1
The type of this operating is published o February 2009.

3. Cupcake v1.5
This operating system is launched on April 2009. Cupcake version v1.5 is similar to cupcake shaped, the type of this android version is the 3rd of OS Android.

4.  Donut v1.6

From year to year android operating system growing with launching android operating system version of donut v.16  on September 15, 2009. The android operating system of Donut v1.15 is launched 5 mounth after the cupcake version is published.

5. Eclair 2.0-2.1

The operating system is published on Desember 9, 2009 Eclair version 2.0-2.1. This android version symbol is also similar to cake-shaped. 

6. Froyo.2.2

The operating system froyo 2.2 is realised on may 20,2010. The froyo version type 2.2 has an adventage than previous version. The adventage of froyo 2.2 is complated with frindly user, that is a choice to disable data access on the cellular network.

7. Gingerbread 2.3-2.3.7

The operating system of this android is launched on Desember 10, 2010. Ginggerbread 2.3-2.3.7 version type has the adventage than the previous version . In this version the user can download files directly from the internet as they need.

8. Honeycomb 3.0-3.2

The android operating system is launched on February 22 , 2011 and on May 2011, version 3.1 is published on the media. This version type has adventage than the previous type that can play games using additional device such as joystik. Than Honeycum  3.0-3.2 launhing  version 3.2 on July  15, 2011. This version has many adventages that start from the scurity and balance system and also has an increase in wifi performance in this android system.

9. Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0-4.0.4

The operating system of ice Cream android Sandwich is able to lock smartphone device through face verification onf the user and not only that but also this version is able to open 16 page tabs from the chrome browser and has a camera type with  good quality  in improving focus on video recorder. This version is published on October 19,2011 and on March 2, 2012 version 4.0.4 is launched with additional increaments  to find out the identity of the telephone numbers. In  the market the version is not long circulating and is returned due to bug fixes on this operating system.

10. Jely bean 4.1.x-4.3.x
Jely bean operating system is published on July 9, 2012 . This Jely bean version has many useful feature for the user. Such as there is a feature to disable annoying notifications on this Jely bean smartphone android app.

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